The Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” in Huancayo

In the framework of the VII International Book Fair of Huancayo (FILH) which opens this May 26th in central Peru, the Centro de Estudios Humanistas Nueva Civilización will present the Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” to improve the understanding of violence, reconciliation processes and the methodology of active nonviolence.

The Interactive Exhibition “Peace and Active Nonviolence Now!” will take place this time in the city of Huancayo, and can be visited during the ten days of the FILH, in the Peace and Nonviolence Hall. The presentation will be in two languages, Spanish and Quechua, and groups will be guided.

Visiting this interactive exhibition gives visitors the opportunity to improve their understanding of the violence they experience, to work on reconciliation processes and also promotes the methodology of active nonviolence. The best way to visit the exhibition is with a guide, which can be requested in the module itself.

The exhibition includes transferential tools inspired by the psychology of new humanism. It has been implemented by means of giant posters, audio and interactive dynamics and after the presentation at the FILH, it will be installed at the Institute of Youth and Culture of Huancayo for two consecutive months.

The interactive exhibition was implemented for the first time at the National Museum of Anthropology, Biodiversity, Agriculture and Food (MUNABA), an institution attached to the National Agrarian University La Molina in Lima-Peru and was organised by the Centre for Humanist Studies New Civilisation (CEHUM) in conjunction with the museum.

It was open to the public for four months and was visited by more than 350 people, including school and university students, teachers, leaders of associations, collectives, and the general public, who testified that they were able to mobilise internal conflictive experiences generated by the different types of violence they had experienced, gain a deeper understanding of those situations and release profound tensions.

Redacción Perú