Nonviolent Journalism Book Launching Events in the U.S.

This book aims to reflect the first twelve years of collective effort of a non-profit organisation run by volunteers from the fields of journalism and communication. About the book

Book Launching on Saturday, May 6 at 2 PM in Kingston NY

The event will take place during the Grand Opening of the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection

Book Presentation on Monday, May 8 at 6 PM in New York City

At Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NY Office, 275 Madison Ave, Suite 21114 (East 4oth St.)

Please RSVP at

Book Debut and Dinner on Tuesday, May 9,  5-7 PM Washington D.C.

Busboys & Poets• 2021 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20009 US

For  more information and RSVP, please click here

We can order the book online directly

Pressenza New York