Call for Papers and Activities for the 10th International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies

The tenth edition of the International Symposium of the World Centre for Humanist Studies will be held from 8 to 11 May 2025 under the title “UTOPIAS ON THE MOVE – Pathways to the Universal Human Nation”.

The aim of this symposium is to reveal the structure of the personal and social crisis that the current historical moment is going through. A crisis that causes a profound malaise in individuals and peoples, and that is exacerbated by the accumulation of distorted narratives of a capitalist, individualistic and predatory global system that imposes its structure based on violence.

In addition to a profound structural and historical understanding of the terminal crisis of the dominant system, the symposium aims above all to be a catalyst for the presentation of new humanist ways of overcoming it.

To this end, it is essential to gather the contributions of all the cultures of the world, understanding and overcoming the prejudices and limitations of the political, economic and cultural matrix imposed by centuries of colonialism and patriarchy. The most progressive elements of peoples’ cultural traditions must come together to form the basis of the first planetary civilisation in human history.

It is also essential to understand that no change will be possible unless there is a transformation in the way we look at ourselves and at what is happening in the world. It is necessary to develop a view that transcends the mechanics of a world that is a victim of pettiness and folly, and to broaden the perspective through the development of a lucid consciousness and “good knowledge”.

Drawing on the positive experience of humanist moments in history, it is now more than ever necessary to emphasise images that mobilise the whole towards luminous utopias, that connect with the deepest vital tensions and needs, and that lead humanity in a liberating direction.

What images can guide this process, linking memory with project, responding to the vital urgencies and meaning of the human whole?

How can we, in this time of manipulated polarisation, bring individuals and peoples closer to an experience of profound reconciliation that includes reparation for the violence and injustice committed?

Should we think of a single type of new social organisation or rather give way to a multiplicity of proposals and experiments?

What kind of myth can give these images lustre, power and epic coherence?

What kind of spirituality can give depth, evolutionary meaning and permanence to this new chapter of history?

How can this purpose reach the heart of today’s creative generations and today’s hopeless ensembles?

These are all questions that need to be creatively addressed within the framework of the 10th International Symposium.

So, we call on all those from different cultures who can contribute visions and experiences of transformative and inspiring actions. Participate with contributions of all kinds, highlighting the utopias that are undoubtedly already underway.

The themes

In addition to the usual themes focused on sectoral activities and knowledge, the Symposium will be developed from a multidisciplinary and structural point of view, with an emphasis on relational thinking.

Symposium activities

Proposals may take the form of lectures, round tables, presentations of ongoing activities and initiatives, workshops, artistic performances, audiovisual productions and experiences based on knowledge of different cultures.

Proposals must be accompanied by a summary describing their intention and development: for lectures, a maximum of 30 minutes is estimated, plus an additional 20 minutes for dialogue with the audience; for other types of activities, the time required will be specified in order to enable the Thematic Committee to better coordinate the programme.

The Symposium Thematic Committee will review the proposals and group them into cross-cutting thematic areas.

You are invited to submit your contribution by 15 December 2024 to, attaching a summary of the contribution (between 300 and 500 words), a short biographical sketch and a high-resolution photograph (for both individual and collective contributions).

The Thematic Committee will announce the results of the selection by 1 February 2025.

Centro Mundial de Estudios Humanistas